Based out of the greater Philadelphia area, Atlantic Security International Investigations, Inc. (ASIII) has been conducting insurance related investigations for well over 20 years. We provide strategic and technologically advanced investigative services to insurance carriers, third party administrators, public entities, law firms, self-insured businesses, private business owners and individual persons who seek our services. The services we provide include, but are not limited to surveillance, social media investigations (Lifestyle Search), criminal and civil background checks, medical canvasses, record procurement, employment checks, Covid-19 investigations, scene investigations, interviews, written and recorded statements, accident photos, financial asset checks, alive and well checks, unmanned remote camera surveillance, driving records and motor vehicle checks, and activities checks. We also conduct specialized individual services tailored to meet our clients needs. We provide direct access to our clients through our online portal, which can be accessed 24/7/365. A family-owned business led by President Robert O’Brien, and Vice President of Sales and Marketing Tom Patsarikas, ASIII ensures you are never waiting for a response and always provides the best customer service experience. Should you be in need of our services please contact either us directly.

