Prime Source Investigations
Prime Source is a full-service investigation firm providing defense services to government entities, school officials, self-insureds, TPAs, and defense attorneys to investigate questionable claims & reduce wrongful exposure. Through Strategic Surveillance, Social Media Analysis, Medical Canvassing, and SIU services, we offer clients an ability to investigate questionable workers’ compensation claims, FMLA claims, and liability exposure.
We have a great reputation for obtaining useful video evidence on a regular basis. We pride ourselves in a quality control process that ensures results. We focus on case preparation, field communication with investigators, and client access to evidence as it develops. Our goal is to conduct an investigation that meets your objective and provides instant access to those results. That is the Prime Source Difference.
We hope you choose Prime Source for your next assignment. To inquire about services, contact us directly.
Phone: 1.800.652.7587